Walking through the city, do you ever think about the thousands of kilometers of pipes and conduits under your feet that provide water, gas, energy and communication? Invisible but highly advanced, reliable and sustainable. And made from high-grade materials produced in Belgium.
In Lillo, INEOS manufactures polyethylene used to make high-performance pipes that can remain underground for 50 to 100 years. Not only are the polyethylene pipes very light thus making their transport and installation easier, they also have a carbon footprint that is seven times smaller for their production compared to steel pipes.
Have a look behind the scenes at the Norwegian pipe producer Pipelife. The company makes pipes that are used all over the world. The ones made from INEOS material can have diameters of more than 2 meters, lengths up to 650 meters and are towed over water to their final destination. These extreme lengths reduce the number of connectors and therefore the risk of leakages and these high-grade polyethylene pipes have a better shock resistance than their steel or concrete counterparts.